Ladies of Rage

I have been on the Ladies of Rage Steering Group since 2020; a network of women and non-binary people working within black and under-represented music in Cardiff and beyond. The mission is to contribute to creating safe and equitable spaces and line-ups within music, the night-time economy, and the arts.

Key moments for me have been successfully applying for Arts Council of Wales funding for a Connect + Flourish RnD (2021-2022) partnering with Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama (RWCMD), Women’s Aid and Aubergine Cafe to research and develop progressing this mission. After creating and writing the successful funding bid, I became lead Project Manager, and alongside partners and LOR members, I recruited an inclusive team. We delivered jams alongside RWCMD students, and created and led (in partnership) the delivery of bespoke allyship sessions with a focus on Anti-Racism, Gender and Identity, Safe-Guarding and Access (with Disability Arts Cymru).

Recently, I created and submitted a second successful Connect and Flourish expression of interest to the Arts Council of Wales. The incredible LOR steering group is delivering the project expanding on the vital work that we delivered last year, whilst I focus on my MA.


Deaf Together